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Our Vision & Aims

Hartlepool Wadokai is a Karate club based in Hartlepool. The club was set-up to promote and further Karate at all levels within the Hartlepool area. The club has a dedicated team of Black Belt Instructors, all are very experienced and have trained with many of the worlds leading Martial Arts instructors. Two of our instructors, Carl and Amy have also completed training in Japan for a year to further expand their knowledge of Karate.


Our Vision

"Hartlepool Wadokai will be at the cutting edge of initiatives that enable local people to overcome disadvantages, disabilities and obstacles to achieve their full potential in karate, regardless of standard."


Our Mission
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"Our mission is to create a sustainable, not-for-profit; self governing organisation that caters to the needs of its membership, by delivering outstanding opportunities, coaching and support, Hartlepool Wadokai will provide the platform for its members to achieve success."


Key Objectives
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  • To always act with integrity – honestly; confidentially; legally and ethically.

  • To extend access and increase participation in karate as a sport and a martial art at all skill levels.

  • To adopt and maintain relevant codes of safety in the sport.

  • To ensure that our members influence how and what services are delivered.

  • To respond effectively to the needs of our members.

  • To sustain the financial viability of the club and to provide value for money.

  • To value our volunteers, and to harness their full potential.

  • To deliver excellence, continually improve and provide a first class service.

  • To only work with other individuals and groups that shares our Vision, Aims & Objectives.


Club Welfare / Child Protection

The welfare of our students is our number one priority at all times. All of our Instructors are DBS police checked and registered with The English Karate Federation, Wadokai England Karate-Do Federation and The Japan Karate Federation, each is qualified to teach Traditional Wado Kai Karate under the guidance of Sensei K. Sakagami 8th Dan, President of Wado Kai England and Aiwakai Karate-Do.


The club is managed by an Executive Committee made up of instructors, students and parents. The committee is responsible for the day to day running of the club and also deals with long term planning – leaving the instructors free to teach classes!



The club hosts a number of annual national courses and an annual members-only competition for its junior students, whilst students and instructors attend regular courses and competitions across the UK, Europe and further afield.


The club has a thorough and active development plan in place which covers every aspect of the club. This ensures that the club is continually improving, building on our successes, learning from our mistakes and ultimately making the club better for the students.


Hartlepool Wadokai isn't just about Karate, we also aim to have an active social calendar too. We organise a variety of social events throughout the year including cinema, bowling and hiking trips. Our students and instructors are also active in a variety of other sports such as Scuba Diving, Hiking, Climbing, Kayaking and the more traditional football, not to mention other Martial Arts.



The following documents control how Hartlepool Wadokai and its members conduct themselves, please familiarise yourself with their contents



Dojo Rules


Officials Code of Conduct


Info for Beginners


Privacy Policy




Equity Policy


Parents Code of Conduct


Cookie Policy 


Anti-Bullying Policy


Grading Policy


Visions, Aims & Objectives


Cookies We Use


Hartlepool Wadokai have fully adopted the Child Protection Policy of the English Karate Federation.


If you cannot open any of the files, then please email us and we will send them to you via email. Or, all of these policies are available for viewing on club training nights.

What is Wadokai England?
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Our club is a member of Wadokai England, which in turn is part of a larger organisation (Federation of European Wadokai) that helps to oversee the practice of WADOKAI Karate within Europe.


The Wadokai England Karatedo Federation was set up to bring Wado together in England. Wadokai England is a broad alliance of independent Wado associations and clubs. Under its president, Kuniaki Sakagami 8th Dan, the Federation offers members and associates access to courses, Japanese registered Dan gradings and the Wadokai England Squad. Wadokai England is looking to re-unite Wado Karateka in a spirit of friendship.

What is the JKF - Wadokai?
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The Japan Karate-Do Federation overseas the main four styles of Karate throughout the world. Our style is 'Wadokai' so we belong to the JKF-Wadokai. The JKF-Wadokai has over 1 million practitioners of Wadokai Karate in Japan alone, and many more in almost every country of the world.


Being part of the JKF-Wadokai means that all Dan Grades are recognised internationally. It also means that selected students can enter most JKF-Wadokai events including but not limited to the Wado World Cup, The Wado World Championships & the European Wadokai Championships. The JKF-Wadokai also run many international Wadokai seminars with some of the worlds best Sensei.


Hartlepool Wadokai is directly affiliated to the JKF-Wadokai as a branch dojo AND it's affiliated through Aiwakai.

What is the English Karate Federation?
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The English Karate Federation is the official governing body for the sport of Karate in England. The EKF is responsible for all aspects of the sport from grassroots right through to world class performance. It is the only governing body in England that is recognised by the World Karate Federation (WKF). The WKF is the only Karate organisation recognised by the International Olympic Committee. So, if any of you competitors ever wish to compete in the Olympics with Karate, you need to a member of the EKF to do so.


Any and all enquiries should be directed through the English Karate Website.

Interested in Karate Competition?

The affiliation to JKF-Wadokai gives athletes access to European and International Wadokai events, and also ensures that all Dan (Black Belt) grades are registered and approved by Japan headquarters i.e. the home of Karate. Affiliation to EKF gives athletes access to all the World Karate Federation (WKF) European and International events.


Hartlepool Wadokai fully supports all levels of competitor from Grass Roots, right through to World Class. As a club, we actively promote all levels of competition to our members (though competition is in no way compulsory!). We also run an annual club-only competition and a number of 'inter-club' events for our members, these events are a great introduction to the tournament circuit.


Wadokai England hold regular squad training sessions throughout the year, these are held all over the country and are open to all students wishing to be selected to the Wadokai England National Team. This gives students access to numerous National events as well as the annual European Wadokai Championships and the Wadokai World Championships. Hartlepool Wadokai currently have a number of students on the Wadokai National team.


The English Karate Federation hold weekly Regional Squad Training Sessions and Open Squad Training Sessions twice per year held throughout England. These sessions give students a chance to make the 'All Style' National Team and give students further access to international competition.



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